1 Neem Tree plants/Azadirachta indica for $19.99 + Free Shipping
1 Neem Tree plants/Azadirachta indica for $19.99 + Free Shipping
Neem is an awesome shade tree as it seldom loses its leaves. A tough tree that grows well in difficult sites and in the United States is best known for its use in gardens and lawns as a "safe" and natural pesticide. A substance in Neem oil called azadirachtin disrupts the metamorphosis of insect larvae and they die without producing new generations. This is a unique quality among other pest deterring qualities since Neem is not an outright killer for most insects such as with other more toxic pesticide products in the market. It simply alters the insect's behavior or life processes to the point where eventually the insect can no longer feed or breed as it should. Another important substance in Neem is called salannin, which is a powerful repellant stopping most insects from touching even the plants they normally find most attractive.
Obtaining home-made insecticide is pretty simple by crushingits leaves and/or seeds and then steeping them in water, alcohol or other solvents. In trials in Nigeria Neem was found to have equal effectiveness to DDT (Dieldrin) and other insecticides.
This incredible tree has the capabilities m being used as an antiseptic as in India for example where people brush their teeth with twigs of it and use it as a chew-stick, in toothpaste, soaps and lotions. Neem extract helps prevent tooth decay and heals inflammation of the gums. It is also anti-viral and anti-fungal. This botanical cousin to the Mahogany has been used in India and over all of Asia for centuries by millions by smearing it on to control skin disorders and place Neem leaves in most nooks and crannies around the house to ward off troublesome pests. It has served as a medicinal against Malaria in the Ayurvedic medicine system since 2000 B.C, but evidence from Nigeria suggests that drinking Neem leaf teas over an extended period of time can lead to some liver damage. In general it is safe as long as it is not consistently ingested. Other products made from Neem are soaps, lotions, timber, fuels, oils and Neem cake fertilizer, which contains more nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium than farmyard manure. Neem can be used to cut down the rate of human population growth as a spermicidal oil (Human spermatozoa became totally immobile within 30 seconds of contacting Neem oil extract) and Neem is also currently being used to reduce deforestation, erosion, and the overheated temperatures of our planet since it grows so well in acidic and less than ideal, dry soils such as in Haiti. One potential disadvantage is the unpleasant odor of the neem fruits.
Neem is an attractive broad-leaved evergreen that can grow upto 100 feet tall and their canopies can reach as much as 30 feet wide. Once established it can easily withstand repeated cuttings/loppings above 3 feet.With small, white, bisexual flowers that can have a honey-like scent and attract many bees it is no surprise that Neem honey is so popular and reportedly contains no azadirachtin. The fruit is called a drupe and can be up to almost an inch long. When ripe the seeds can be yellow or greenish yellow and have sweet pulp enclosing the seed. The seed can have up to three kernels,bbut usually has just one. It typically begins bearing fruit after 3 to 5 years and fully productive after 10 years. Overall it can live for more than 200 years.
Common names for Neem - Azadirachta indica:
English: Neem, Indian lilac
Spanish: Margosa, nim
Nigera: Dongoyaro
Malay: Veppa
German: Niembaum
Burmese: Tamar, tamarkha
Sri Lanka:Kohomba
For Sale here are ONE (1) Azadirachta indica Neem Tree plant for $15.99. If you live nearby we can schedule a FREE local pickup.
Give them lots of morning sun and warmth. Avoid temperatures below 50 degrees (f). Enjoy and please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments as I would be more than happy to help you find answers! TREEcenter.info@gmail